Jackson has been such a happy and healthy boy lately! He has been staying healthy because he doesn't go anywhere! I can't remember the last time he went to the grocery store with me. He can't catch it unless it comes through our door. I hate that his life (and ours) has to be so isolating for now but I can't allow him to get sick. I can't let him get go through another hospitalization with I.V.'s and fevers. I gotta do what I gotta do to protect him. Cold and flu season will be over in a few months and I can't wait!
School started back on Tuesday for everybody including Jack. His teacher, Ms. Anna, set up his computer with his software. The program choice for the day was a story about a momma cow looking for her baby. The computer would read the page and Jackson would have to click to turn the page. He clicked to turn the page all the way through the story. It was a total of 17 clicks! It was amazing to see him click to turn the page to hear more of the story! After the story was over Ms. Anna hooked his switch up to his switch toy Elmo that sings ABC easy as 1,2,3 by Michael Jackson. With prompting, Jackson clicked his switch and made Elmo sing and he loved it! Ms. Anna walked away to get another switch toy off the shelf. When she came back to the room she and I stood back away from Jackson where he couldn't see us watching him. We watched Jackson wiggled his shoulders, neck and head to try to figure out himself how to make Elmo sing. He was clicking on his own without prompting! Ms. Anna said this showed that Jackson was a natural learner. He wanted to figure out himself. This is one proud momma! Jackson also showed critical thinking skills by clicking his way through the story. Jackson wanted to know what happened next in the story! It was such a great day! All of those skills have been discovered because Jackson is staying healthy.