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Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a Snow Day

It snowed overnight last night and Shelby Forrest is just beautiful! I know becaust the views from my windows are breath taking! I haven't been out in it and don't plan on it! The kids went out in this morning and came in a few minutes later.Jackson is staying in until spring. It is just too much of a risk for him to be out in crowds or the cold. So unfortunately, I will not have any pics of him in the snow. I feel a little sad about that decision, keeping him out of the snow., For some reason I feel like I am denying him an experience but that is the cost of mito. The risk of the energy it would cost is not worth a photo. I feel like I'm in hibernationt too. I am keeping him indoors as much as I can. He still goes to school when it is not freezing out. John stayed home from church yesterday with Jackson. It's just too cold to even get him out. I will be glad when it warms up but not too warm. The kids are enjoying their day off from school. They are watching Sponge Bob and Phineas and Ferb and rotting their brains out!

Jackson's Race is coming up soon! I am so thrilled that we are doing it again! March 26, 2011. All the details are being planned by Paul and Angie Hayes, Cindy Kraft, Jason and Brandi Hamm and John and I. All the info and the how to's are at Please register as soon as you can. Like last year we are only ordering 200 shirts at first. Depending on the response we may order more but for right now it's just 200. So get on line and register if you want a shirt. I am so excited about raining funds for a cure for this disease. I think it is so very important to research mitochondria. They play such an important role in alot of diseases. Cures and treatments for alot of different disease are only a few million dollars away. Please, Please, Please, register even if you don't want to run or walk. Just by wearing your tshirt you are raising  awareness for miochondrial disease and supporting the businesses that support research for a cure. Registration is only $20.00 this year. You get a shirt and a goody bag (on race day)  filled with lots of coupons and freebies.  I know we are all recovering from Christmas spurlges but please put this great cause in your budget. You can even register one family memberat a time if you want. WE can make a diffference in the life a child!

Mom gave me a devotional book for parents of kids that are critically or chronically ill. It was difficult through the holiday's wishing for Jackson to rush to his presents under the tree, sing in the church song service with the other kids or even sneek Christmas candy with Elizabeth and Wesley. i got mired down in the muck of how wished things were different.  God knew what words I needed to read and sent them through mom in this little devotional. It says Chapter 1 Call in the Forces. When God gathered an Army for King Daivd he gathered people from all over. Check out 1 Chronicles 12:22 "For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God." God has gathered an army for Jackson not because he is a king but because he is a child of The King. I love the way the book says for us as parents of sick kids to " Call in your forces and trust God to form your army." All of you are Jackson's army. An army of everyday people that God is using to support Jackson and us as a family through this illness with your prayers, kind words and deeds. We are so thankful and grateful for our army. I have sent to call out over and over again and each time all of you have been there for us. Thank you so much!